In a groundbreaking showcase at the United Nations Climate Conference (COP 28) in Dubai, a poignant documentary titled “The Plea of the Mountain” has thrust Nepal’s climate challenges into the global spotlight. This revealing documentary, crafted by esteemed journalist Balkrishna Basnet, vividly illustrates the harrowing impacts of climate change on Nepal’s iconic mountains, including Everest and Annapurna.
Highlighting the stark reality of climate-induced disasters, the film meticulously portrays the devastating floods and landslides that have ravaged regions like Manang, Mustang, Sindhupalchok’s Helambu, Melamchi, Dolpa’s Phoksundo, and Terai Madhesh. By amplifying the heartfelt voices of affected residents, this documentary eloquently champions the urgent need for climate justice in Nepal.
Presented in a special program organized by Nepal’s Ministry of Forest and Environment and the esteemed Sath Sathai organization at the Nepal Pavilion within the conference, this screening sparked dynamic interactions among a spectrum of experts. Notably, Balkrishna Basnet’s prior work, “The Voice for Climate Justice,” made waves at COP 27 in Egypt, further underscoring the pressing global need to address climate crises.
This gripping portrayal of Nepal’s environmental plight stands as a catalyst for actionable conversations and concerted efforts towards safeguarding our planet. Join the global movement for climate action and justice as we unite to protect Nepal’s natural treasures and communities in the face of climate adversity.
Also Read: Flights from Nepal to India, especially Kathmandu to Delhi, cost a lot more now.