Wednesday, September 18, 2024
HomeNewsNTBEO's Silver Jubilee Celebrated Through Vibrant Sports Fest

NTBEO’s Silver Jubilee Celebrated Through Vibrant Sports Fest

The Nepal Tourism Board Employee Organization (NTBEO) celebrated reaching a major milestone by holding an exciting week of sports competitions in honor of its 25th anniversary.

 From December 24 to 29, 2023, the NTBEO grounds were filled with the competitive spirit of Futsal and Table Tennis as staff members eagerly engaged in friendly competition to strengthen relationships and promote unity.

Under the careful direction of NTBEO Secretary Mr. Gokul Bhandari, the events were a magnificent example of sportsmanship. Beyond the competition wins, the winning teams highlighted the organization’s dedication to developing an effective and positive work culture by adding to a sense of pride and accomplishment among all members of the team.

In his role as the driving force behind the events, Mr. Bhandari ensured their flawless execution, making the 25th-anniversary celebrations a memorable and enjoyable experience for all NTBEO members. As the echoes of the sporting events linger, the NTBEO reflects on 25 years of achievements with a renewed sense of unity and pride, laying the foundation for continued success in the years ahead.



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