Shukla Phanta National Park was managed as a hunting reserve at the beginning in1969. It has been gazetted as a Wildlife Reserve in 1976 and as National Park currently (2017), covering an area of 305 sq. km. It lies in the extreme south-western section of Nepal’s Terai in Kanchanpur District.
The National Park shares a common boundary with the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh in the south and west which is formed by the Mahakali (Sarda)river, a major tributary of the Ganges. It is bordered on the eastern side by the Chaudhar River and to the north by a forest belt and cultivations. There are known records for 24 mammal species, 350 bird species (180 of which are breeding species), 14 fish species, 10 species of biting flies, and 10 species of insects. The National Park is home to a wide variety of species that are important on a national and worldwide scale despite its small size.The vegetation types primarily include sal forest, sal savanna, which is part of continuum between climax forest and grassland that is maintained by fire and floods.
Endangered species like One-horned rhinoceros , Black-buck,Swamp deer herd,wild elephants and Royal Bengal tiger live in the reserve.In addition, the Reserve is home to a variety of small mammals, including Rhesus monkeys , Golden monitor lizards , Hispid Hares, Blue bulls , Barking deer , Hog deer, Wild boars, Leopards , Jackals , Langurs , and Wild boars.
Approximately 424 different bird species can be found in the reserve, with the largest population of Bengal florican among them. Additional species include flycatchers, warblers, grass owls, sarus cranes, and swamp francolins.
Best time to visit:September-December and February to the end of May