The ‘Sauraha South Asian Film Festival’ has started today in Sauraha. It’s happening at the Chitrasari Ground in Ward No. 7 of Ratnanagar Municipality, and Kyarahwan Nepal is in charge.
The festival will go on for five days, and its main goals are to help Nepali movies grow and boost tourism in Chitwan. Vimal Paudel, who is the president of Kyarahwan Nepal and also a film director, wants to work together with Nepali cinema and media to help develop tourism in Nepal, especially in Chitwan.
There are about 60 stalls at the festival, including one from the Film Development Board. These stalls cover different things like food, clothes, and more. The organizers expect about five thousand people to attend each day, and they have planned various cultural events during the festival.
At the festival, they will give awards in categories like movies, documentaries, and short films.