Chaite Dashain, also known as Chaite Ashtami or Sano Dashami, is a two-day Hindu festival observed in Nepal, particularly significant for being the smaller version of the grand Dashain festival celebrated in September–October. While the major Dashain lasts for 15 days, Chaite Dashain is a more intimate celebration observed for just two days.
Origin and Significance
Chaite Dashain commemorates the victory of Lord Rama, the valiant protagonist of the epic Ramayana, over the ten-headed demon king Ravana. With the help of Goddess Durga, Rama emerged victorious after a fierce battle, rescuing his wife Sita from Ravana’s captivity. This triumph of good over evil forms the essence of Chaite Dashain.
Traditions and Festivities
- Chaite Dashami
Chaite Dashami coincides with the eighth day (Ashtami) of the lunar calendar because this eight-day is a day of sacrificing our wills, and desires and also offering animals to Goddesses Bhawani.
- Ram Navami
Chaite Dashain is dedicated to Lord Rama. Devotees observe prayers and pujas, seeking blessings and celebrating Rama’s return to Ayodhya after his 14-year exile.
Family Gatherings and Feasting
Similar to the larger Dashain festival, Chaite Dashain is a time for families to come together and celebrate. Traditional meals are prepared and shared, fostering a sense of community and togetherness. However, on the day after, i.e. on Ram Navami, people fast and visit the temple of Ram. A big fair is held in the Ram Janaki Temple of Janakpur, during this festival.
Shifting of the Major Dashain
Legends suggest that Chaite Dashain was originally the grand Dashain festival. However, due to the scorching summer heat during Chaitra month (March–April), the celebration was shifted to the cooler autumn months (September–October) to avoid food spoilage and ensure better digestion during the feasting.
Comparison with Bada Dashain
Despite its shorter duration, Chaite Dashain holds similar significance to the major Dashain (Bada Dashain). Both festivals celebrate the victory of good over evil and involve family gatherings and feasting.
Celebrating Chaite Dashain in Nepal
During Chaite Dashain, temples dedicated to Lord Rama, particularly the Ram Janaki Temple in Janakpur, witnessed a surge in devotees. Devotees offer prayers and seek blessings for good fortune and prosperity.
Chaite Dashain, though a smaller celebration compared to Bada Dashain, serves as a significant reminder of the eternal triumph of good over evil. It’s a time for families to reconnect, share meals, and celebrate the victory of Lord Rama. As Nepal observes Chaite Dashain, the essence of the festival lies in its traditions, cultural significance, and the message of righteousness prevailing over evil.
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