Ashish Vidyarthi, a well-known Bollywood actor, on his journey through Nepal, was seen promoting Nepal tourism. He had been documenting his adventures as a YouTuber. Vidyarthi, who has appeared in over 200 films in languages including Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Bengali, English, and Malayalam, is now promoting Nepal’s beautiful landscapes on his renowned YouTube channel, Ashish Vidyarthi Actor Vlog.
Ashish Vidyarthi was in Pokhara, where he showed how he enjoyed the calm scenery, bustling cafés, and warm local friendliness. He also encouraged his viewers to explore the cafes which he showed in his vlog. His vlogs show him eating wonderful meals such as Nepali thali set at lakeside resorts on Phewa Lake which he said enjoyed a lot. While traveling Pokhara he admires the panoramic views of the Annapurna range from Sarangkot. He was also engaging with locals, all of which highlight Pokhara’s kindness and culture.
He was traveling with his friends. They expressed their joy in the face of Mount Annapurna, different areas of Pokhara, and how Nepal’s Pokhara can be a perfect place for travelers. With the blend of Western influence and traditional Nepali culture not only Pokhara but different parts of Nepal can be a heavenly place for travelers, adventure lovers, and explorers. The actor praised Pokhara’s natural beauty and peaceful surroundings. He also expressed his inner desire of not being able to explore more due to lack of time. His vlogs are expected to catch the attention of Indian tourists. It might also be increasing tourism in Nepal as viewers are inspired by his experiences.
Ashish Vidyarthi’s amazing work shows a new viewpoint on Nepal traveling. This vlog shows cultures and invites more foreign travelers to discover the beauty of Nepal. In his last vlog from Nepal, he expressed how he would miss Nepal and inspired many travelers to explore Nepal. He stated that “he is going to leave his heart here” in Nepal. He also said he wanted to explore more areas of Nepal in his last blog.
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Image source: Ashish Vidyarthi Actor Vlog