Kathmandu, Nepal– Dusit Princess, the renowned international hotel chain located in Lazimpat, Kathmandu, has launched an exciting culinary event, the “Rainbow Trout Festival,” on Sunday, August 25. This event is set to run until August 31st. This festival aims to showcase the unique flavors of Nepal’s native rainbow trout and different dishes crafted from this fish.
Pratharna Sen, the marketing manager of the hotel, stated the importance of the festival in promoting Nepali rainbow trout fish. She said, There are numerous health benefits of rainbow trout fish found in Nepal.”
Chef Utpal Kumar Mondal, the culinary director at Dusit Princess, is the expert behind the different varieties of dishes that are being showcased in the festival. Chef designed 12 varieties of dishes of Rianbow trout fish. It shows the variety and diverse dishes that can be crafted from rainbow trout fish. Guests can try this fish in various styles: Thai, Italian, Indian, and Nepalese. The dishes will blend international and local flavors.
You can attend the festival from 12pm to 10pm. The “Rainbow Trout Festival” is more than a food event. It’s a celebration of Nepalese culture and cuisine. It offers a unique dining experience that highlights the region’s natural bounty.
Don’t forget to attend the festival; it is going to last until 31st August.
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Picture source: Dusit Princess Kathmandu Presents Exclusive Trout Festival at SOI Restaurant
Source: Ekantipur